In 2004 Fox
broadcasted a short lived comedy-drama television series centered on 24 year
old Jaye Tyler (played by Caroline
Dhavernas), a recent graduate of Brown University, who decides to ignore her philosophy degree, live in a trailer and work at a tourist gift shop in Niagara Falls called Wonderfalls (which is also the name of the show). But Jaye's aimless life takes a startling turn after a waxed lion figurine begins talking to her.
In each episode, Jaye starts
doing exactly what an increasing number of inanimate objects tell her to do and
is amazed when her outrageous actions begin changing people’s lives in
unexpected ways. The inanimate objects, called muses, are various types of
animal toys, souvenirs, ornaments, etc.
Despite its cancellation, Wonderfalls developed a loyal fan base (including myself). Here are some of my favorite Wonderfalls muses...